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ScanTo3D逆向工程技术交流 今日: 12 |主题: 4000|排名: 93 

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use of a commercial laser tracker for optical alignment attachment hotheart 2010-6-17 4291 lucifinil 2010-6-27 13:41
在Vista下安装geomagic studio 11时,出错,提示:“failed setting the registry” youjg555 2010-6-27 2520 ifine123 2010-6-27 10:40
急用 谁能帮帮忙,将点云处理成曲面(附车灯灯罩点云) attachment longchengcai 2010-6-8 3296 sdwlhisme 2010-6-27 01:27
当在imageware10和11里时 attach_img mrolub 2003-10-22 8338 wopero 2010-6-26 16:53
surfacer 11 点云对齐视频2 attachment sanghongyhq 2010-2-12 4514 kylesun 2010-6-25 12:31
surfacer 9翻译教材 attachment  ...23 person 2003-2-12 57975 liwenwu277 2010-6-24 21:42
上传surfacer tool.doc climb166 2006-7-5 3373 icewater 2010-6-24 21:37
imageware点处理之过滤取样光顺 attachment  ...2 abcdfriend 2003-2-19 23747 fenghuo3 2010-6-24 16:12
ASME B89.4.22-2004 attachment gfhfghfhfg 2010-6-17 3290 q8782520 2010-6-23 12:06
参加最新AutoCAD / Inventor 2011发布会的观感 lovechjh 2010-6-22 0271 lovechjh 2010-6-22 22:10
今天终于成功安装 Office 2010。不容易,秘诀分享 attach_img wwf52520 2010-6-22 0358 wwf52520 2010-6-22 21:27
逆向工程中数字化测量与点云数据处理 attachment  ...2 RCRL2018 2006-5-16 29755 dyl0116 2010-6-21 07:53
求有关逆向工程的外文文献和翻译 harddamo 2010-6-3 4453 wangdingyong 2010-6-19 14:09
reverse engineering attachment autolub 2010-6-4 6273 w26828527 2010-6-18 18:02
求教 wffxcf 2010-5-29 3382 冷月ybl 2010-6-17 22:00
来点新鲜的!!!没准那天用的着:))))) attach_img xuanxuan1981 2003-2-23 5324 miller992 2010-6-16 19:11
GEOMAGIC参数转换提取曲线输出到PRO/E做旋转时曲面变成多边形 lishihai 2010-6-4 3694 ahau2004 2010-6-16 03:41
求液动刀架设计 mpf1979 2010-5-7 2663 tronin 2010-6-14 15:36
ug-imageware(超星书籍) attachment hpdragon 2010-6-9 3490 xingjgao 2010-6-13 19:20
防呆技术的应用 attachment longlongago 2009-4-21 18981 lgr2938 2010-6-12 20:07
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