
标题: 摘自外国技术博客上有关solidworks2010 的技巧文章 [打印本页]

作者: 9836498162495    时间: 2010-6-30 13:47
标题: 摘自外国技术博客上有关solidworks2010 的技巧文章
July sees the start of the SolidWorks 2011 Beta! Don’t forget to sign up for notifications by adding Beta News to your Customer Centre profile.
With the Beta coming very soon it has made me think of the last release and which new functionality or tools I used and got the most out of.
From my previous posts you will see I am a fan of the mouse gestures… I think these had the biggest impact on me as I soon found myself using these in a natural way, I really missed them when I was using 3DVIA Composer and even started wishing that PowerPoint and Excel had support for them too. Here are a few tips to get the most out of Mouse Gestures:
" `3 c1 e. a4 _* ^
Make the options common in all environments. This makes it easier to remember which directions do what.
Don't worry about empty directions. If it doesn't make sense to use the gestures for an option then don't use them. For the sketch environment I only use about half of the directions.
Go for 8 directions straight away… you don't need to remember and use them all straight away, once you have got used to a direction doing a certain command it is hard to change your automatic reactions.
Another tool that I have used quite a lot is the Assembly Visualisation tool. If you need to sort and view your assemblies by any property such as Mass or Material then Assembly Visualisation is the tool for you.
" g2 o: M5 k P$ f4 z
Image (A) On the Evaluate tab you will see the Assembly Visualisation tool
Image (B) Assembly tree is sorted by Mass and colour coded to help understand the impact of mass in the design.
The assembly tree, although sorted differently is still available to interact with to open or edit any of the components.
The colours bar is editable, you can also filter the tree and graphics area to hone in on important areas of the design.
Image (C) Here the tree has been filtered by dragging the top rollback bar to show only the bought in components.
The Assembly tree and properties can also be saved out as text, Excel or in PDF format!
Now is a great time to take a look again at the 2010 What’s New PDF (found under the help menu) and refresh on some of the tools added last year while we look forward to a great 2011 Beta!
…I don’t think I mentioned that there are some great prizes this year for the best Beta testers!! Look out for notifications in July!
文章的大意是作者比较喜欢鼠标手势和装配可视化工具这两个2010版新增的功能。作者甚至希望3DVIA Composer、excel和powerpoint也支持鼠标手势,呵呵
作者: 注视※一切    时间: 2010-6-30 13:57
转的时候也顺便翻译下 啊
作者: yutong61101    时间: 2010-6-30 13:59
作者: wscxhz    时间: 2010-6-30 14:02
作者: 249879598    时间: 2010-6-30 14:03
作者: lrjk101    时间: 2010-6-30 14:08
作者: kgdia    时间: 2010-6-30 14:08
从我以前的帖子你会看到我是一个球迷的鼠标手势...我觉得这些对我有最大的影响,因为我很快就发现自己在一个自然的方式使用这些,我真的很想念他们,当我正使用3DVIA Composer中,甚至开始祝愿PowerPoint和Excel为他们支持。这里有一些提示,以获得最大效益的鼠标手势:
“`3 c1的大肠杆菌a4的^ _ *
“G2的Ø:M5的F4类ž是P $ K表
作者: 177140    时间: 2010-6-30 14:11
作者: 乡下工匠    时间: 2010-6-30 14:11
7月看到了SolidWorks的2011年开始测试!不要忘了通知,为签署加入到您的客户试用版新闻中心简介。试用版即将很快它使我想起过去的释放哪些新的功能或工具,我使用并获得最大收益。从我以前的帖子你会看到我是一个球迷的鼠标手势...我觉得这些对我有最大的影响,因为我很快就发现自己在一个自然的方式使用这些,我真的很想念他们,当我正使用3DVIA Composer和希望,甚至开始该PowerPoint和Excel为他们支持。这里有一些提示,以获得最大效益的鼠标手势:“`3 c1的大肠杆菌a4的^ _ *请选择在所有环境中常见的。这使得它更容易记住哪个方向去做。不用担心空方向。如果没有意义的,他们使用的手势使用一个选项然后不要的方向。对于环境的素描,我只用了约一半。转到8方向的直线距离...你不需要记住和他们都直接使用了,一旦你已习惯一个方向做一些命令它是一个难以改变your自动反应。另一种工具,我有很多很多是使用可视化工具的大会。如果你需要进行排序和查看您的可视化组件由大会的任何财产,如地下或材料则是您工具。“ G2的直径:M5的K表是P $ F4键Ž图像(a)在评估标签,你将看到大会的可视化工具的图像(乙)大会树是按质量和设计中的色彩编码,以帮助了解影响群众英寸的装配树,虽然不同的排序仍然是可交互打开或编辑的任何组成部分的。栏的颜色是可编辑的,您还可以过滤树和图形领域的只是关于设计的重要领域。图像(三)在这里该树已被筛选通过拖动顶部回滚栏只显示部分收购。大会树和属性也可以保存了文本,Excel或PDF格式的格式!现在是一个伟大的时候再采取在一看2010年有什么帮助菜单部分)和刷新下一种新的工具PDF格式(去年新增发现,而我们期待着一个伟大的2011试用版!...我不认为我提到,有一些伟大的奖项,今年的最好测试员!通知中查找在7月!

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